Monday, January 19, 2015

The horse named poly

Hi again! I have a interesting story to tell. This is a true story. There was a horse, and there is a horse ridding club in Portugal. They saw that the horse was not treated properly. Then they all, even the people that kept their horses there, added up all their money to make 200 Euros! Then they got the horse. They named it Poly. This is her:
When they got her, she had an injury in the head. Now she is doing good. Hope you enjoyed it! Bye!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

The new event

Hi again! Listen, Furry Friends members,  we will do this every week. We will save money for animal shelters, zoos and animal hospitals so they can save them. We do not want all animals not to die, don't we? So lets to this together! We all will save money and you will give me the money then I will give it to all the places said. Ok? so lets start on Monday! Bye!

Hello! The members of the Furry Friends are welcome to this new official blog!

Well,this is it, the new official blog of The Furry Friends! This is an animals lovers club which The Furry Friends can use. After days and days, I was trying but it will not work. Then this is it. WARNING: ONLY THE FURRY FRIENDS MEMBERS ARE ALLOWED TO READ THIS BLOG. Bye!