Wednesday, November 15, 2017

You HAVE to watch this video.... (part 2, text in part 1)

You HAVE to watch this video.... (part 1)

  Hi fellow Furry Friends!!! First things first: I'm sorry for not using my blog for an extremely long time, I got busy and then I forgot and..... yeah. But I will try to post as often as possible from now on.

Anyway, now it is time to share a very important message. Some of my readers may know about the smog in Pakistan and India (if you do not know, you can read about it at: ). As most of you may know, smog is a mixture of smoke and fog. And I found this video that predicts what it will be like in 2030....

If you want to watch it on my blog, you can view another post in which I have posted the video.

Thanks for reading!

As always, stay safe and keep on loving animals+wildlife!!!

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Happy Earth Day!

Hello everyone!
  • I'm so sorry that I haven't been posting lately! I got quite busy with exams.
  • Here is a late Easter gift! I hope you all like it. (SO SORRY AGAIN!)

Well, with that cleared, let's celebrate....
EARTH DAY 2017! 🌎

I can feel the magic of the day! You must be too! We all normally contribute everyday, but today do EXTRA to help the Earth on it's special day! Let's all thank the Earth for providing us with a home filled with water, food, oxygen and shelter; the basic stuff we need. Here are a few tips to helping today!:
  1. Ride a bike! This reduces air pollution.
  2. Recycle! This reduces land pollution.
  3. Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth or when it is not in use. This reduces water pollution.
  4. When you are not in a room, turn of all the lights.
  5. Plant a tree! Which kind? You choose!
So get out there and help the Earth!

Image result for Earth Day

Here is a video to think about, too! (At the beginning of the post)

Have a lovely day and: