Friday, August 12, 2016

My Trip To Naran! :-)

My Trip To Naran

Hello and welcome to The Furry Friends Blog! Today I will be talking about my trip to Naran, in Pakistan. It is an AMAZING place to see. It all started on the 6th August 2016, at 10:00 pm in Lahore.

My neighbors invited me to go with them a few days later. I accepted and decided to go to this beautiful area. Plus, I had my friend, Zainab (SEE POLLUTION POST COMMENT), who is my neighbor as well. So we all went to Naran. We arrived there at about 11:00 am or 12:00pm. I forgot to take a picture of our coaster, so here is one from the internet:  
A Toyota Hiace!
Then we arrived and went to The Royal Hotel, Naran. It was a 4 star hotel (and I would definitely rate it 4 stars as well!) It was a very nice hotel. After arriving, I went to a restaurant called ' Zainab Shinwari ' (I think Zainab did not like the name...) and ate some chapli kebabs. They were DELICIOUS. I then went to sleep. The next day I went to Zainab Shinwari for breakfast. I enjoyed the food there. I have a picture of the guy that made the paratha, a traditional breakfast item in the Indian Subcontinent.  Then we went to Lake Saif-Ul-Malook. We hired 2 jeeps. (We were 14 people!) To get there, we had to go up a mountain. It was SO BUMPY! But we got there safe and sound. Here is a picture:
 There was also a glacier there. A glacier is a massive block of ice that never really melts. People make sculptures with them, and slides! I went on one, twice! It was so much fun! I rode a horse with Zainab, and it was fun!!! We then had lunch and went to the hotel. This time we ate at the restaurant. The food was great! I had chicken corn soup. The next day, we went to Lalazar. I rode another horse, and it was also very fun. Then we went up up up! Yes to the top of the mountain, and it was so cold. Honestly, I was freezing! We then went down down down, and stopped at a lake. We stayed there for pictures and stuff, then carried on and got back to the hotel. The next day we went back home. And that was the end of my trip. I hope you enjoyed! Next time I will tell you about Life in Lahore. Until next time, stay safe and love animals + wildliife!
Our jeep!

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Endangered Animals! SPECIAL!


 Hello and welcome back to The Furry Friends Blog! Today I will write about some of the worlds endangered animals. Oh yeah, and you are reading the very first special on The Furry Friends Blog!

 So, endangered animals are everywhere in the world. They are in Asia to Europe, from Europe to Africa, even in the Arctic. One endangered cat is the Amur Leopard. They are extremely rare and are extremely cute! Here is a picture. (RIGHT)

They can live up to 10-15 years in the wild, unless they get poached. (I think.)

Now here is an animal just loved by many people. It starts with 'P'. You guessed it, a Polar Bear! They are cute and cuddly, but are endangered. Remember my post on pollution? That is how they get endangered. By global warming.

And our last animal today, the Sea Turtle! They have outlived the dinosaurs, like cockroaches, and are super cool. Equatorial Guinea is a nesting place for them. One way they are endangered is by plastic bags. They think they are jellyfish and eat them, which leads to a painful death, so mind your plastic bags!

Thank you for reading this post. Next time, I will talk about my trip to Naran, a beautiful place. Until next time, stay safe and love animals + wildlife!