Thursday, August 4, 2016

Endangered Animals! SPECIAL!


 Hello and welcome back to The Furry Friends Blog! Today I will write about some of the worlds endangered animals. Oh yeah, and you are reading the very first special on The Furry Friends Blog!

 So, endangered animals are everywhere in the world. They are in Asia to Europe, from Europe to Africa, even in the Arctic. One endangered cat is the Amur Leopard. They are extremely rare and are extremely cute! Here is a picture. (RIGHT)

They can live up to 10-15 years in the wild, unless they get poached. (I think.)

Now here is an animal just loved by many people. It starts with 'P'. You guessed it, a Polar Bear! They are cute and cuddly, but are endangered. Remember my post on pollution? That is how they get endangered. By global warming.

And our last animal today, the Sea Turtle! They have outlived the dinosaurs, like cockroaches, and are super cool. Equatorial Guinea is a nesting place for them. One way they are endangered is by plastic bags. They think they are jellyfish and eat them, which leads to a painful death, so mind your plastic bags!

Thank you for reading this post. Next time, I will talk about my trip to Naran, a beautiful place. Until next time, stay safe and love animals + wildlife!

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