Friday, September 23, 2016

Birds + GIFT!

Hello and welcome to The Furry Friends Blog. Today I will give that long promised text about birds. Oh, yeah and here is the free gift for 300 views,and cat lovers will LOVE it! :                                                                  
Image result for  cute thanks animal pics cat
So cute! Anyway, lets get back to the original topic. Before we start, here is an endangered bird alert, again!
Image result for birds picsThere are 10000 bird species in the world. Their scientific name is 'Aves'. They are warm blooded, and are the only animals that have feathers. They lay eggs and the bee humming bird lays the smallest. The most unusual thing I found about them are that they are the great-great grandparents of the dinosaurs! Rawr! The most common bird in the world is what we all love, in the eating sense, well. The chicken! Yes, the most common bird is the chicken and there are like, 50 BILLION of them on earth! Wow! Humming birds are the only birds that can fly backward, and ostriches can't even walk backwards!
Thank you for reading this post and hey, get the pic of the birds too ( If you do not like cats). Please comment for two reasons:
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Stay safe and love animals+wildlife!

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